the centurion

I am but a man. Neither a strong man nor a weak man, neither loud nor soft. I am but a man.

Monday, October 24, 2005

Too busy??

Yes, I am.
And its not only the job. I must say, I work more hours on the job than I should..but I still put a lot of time into other people. Ironically, a good portion of that time is spent alone. ¿Que? I had a great conversation with one of my employees today, and during our talk I realized what preparation goes into being around people. You probably already know this...maybe I did, as well...but once in a while I am reminded of things in such a way as if I never thought of it before. This was one of those moments.
Anyway, I have not posted much lately because I have been very busy. I am aware that the blacksox are winning the World Series. You think I'd be happy, being an AL fan. But, this franchise just isn't what I think baseball is about. For more on this, check out The High Cheese.
It has been a good week. I haven't slept much at all, I had to get rid of a manager last Thursday and then work a double-shift (which was 7-4, then 9pm to 9am), the next day I lost 1 employee to the Portuguese army (believe it or not-that is the third time that's happened to me in 10 yrs) and 1 employee who was thrown out of his house and forced to move out of state. Then, Saturday, I lost another employee due to transportation. All three were full-time workers.
Like I said, its been a good week.
I have spent time with good people, talked to one of my teens at college (phone conversation)...all this helped prepare me for worship. Not just Sunday, but through the week I am learning how to pray better and to pray more.

These woods are lovely, dark and deep,
but I have promises to keep.
And miles to go before I sleep,
and miles to go before I sleep. (R. Frost)

"The sleep of a laborer is sweet." Ecc. 5:12
-the centurion is encouraged


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