the centurion

I am but a man. Neither a strong man nor a weak man, neither loud nor soft. I am but a man.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Well, we have become walkers. We take a walk together in the morning, now that it is warming up, and
Joshua can WALK!
Now, the mile we do in the morning is a bit much for him, and daddy walks kind of fast. But he walks around the house. He started last week, and learned while we weren't looking. He doesn't stumble much at all, and can move pretty quickly.
He has a great personality, and we enjoy our time together. We talk about birds, the sunrise, God, and whatever else comes up along the way. Maybe one of these mornings we'll find the meaning of life and solve all our problems.
To peak into some of our conversations, click on the Spiritual Food link on the side.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Hello all,
Happy Thanksgiving.
I wish I could show you how big Joshua is now, compare to the mommy.
And see how happy he is when he eats. He eats solid food in addition to the milk.
His favorites include carrots and bananas. He also enjoys the outdoors.
He is a people-person, he waves to people, and we never taught him that.
He just picked it up all by himself.
Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good!
His love endures forever.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Well, my dad and I disagree on this matter...
I know a lot of people in the Philadelphia region, SE Missouri, and places around the south. I have noticed something this election season:
Many more people who would be likely and willing to fight physically for this country are not just leaning toward McCain, but voicing that decision.
Does that say something to you?

Another thing, more unfortunately, that my dad and I disagree on, is our personal election. The Bible says to make sure of your election, the Name of Christ is the only name which has the power to save you in the end. In the last day, every one--all 7 Billion currently on this earth--will know that Jesus Christ is Lord.

Obama is every bit the liar that Hillary Clinton is, he just happens to have more charisma.
If my dad is correct in projecting that Obama will be the next president, the best thing I can see in that is that he won't be in Congress anymore.

peace, love, and joy in Jesus

Thursday, September 25, 2008


I learned a new word. This a not a common word, to my understanding. "Remez" refers to a method of textual interpretation used by Jewish students of the Torah. Not just any students...the best of the best. In Biblical times, (maybe still today in some places) Jewish boys would go to "school" at the Temple and learn the Torah from a Rabbi. By the time they were about 10 or 12, all Jewish boys were expected to have the Law of Moses (Genesis-Deuteronomy) memorized. Then, the best students went on to study further and memorize the rest of the Torah (Old Testament). Then, the best of those would go privately to "follow" a Rabbi for the purpose of becoming a Rabbi.
This was a big deal.
Part of that training was what they called "remez." This was characterized (at least in one way) by the practice of reading one bit of text and actually referring o another. Jesus did this more than I could have guessed. This is why in so many different places of the New Testament He says something and then the Pharisees or other leaders in the Jewish community want to kill him.
Example: John 10:33-38
Jesus quoted to them from Psalm 82:6 "I have said you are gods." He tells them that by Scripture all who follow God are gods themselves, that is they are sons of the Most High. But, they undrstand that Jesus is referring to Psalm 82:7 "But you will die like mere men; you will fall like every other ruler." He was calling the leading people of the Jewish community-the Chosen of God-mere men. He said they fall like any other ruler, thereby identifying them as common people. The Jewish people of Christ's day saw themselves as better than any others--even better than some that called themselves Jews.
There were many other hidden ways that Jesus taught the disciples one thing and condemned teachers of the law with another text at the same time.
What an amazing Rabbi Jesus was!
That's my Savior.

Monday, September 15, 2008


Wow, so May was my last post...time really waits for no man.
Since May, I have had and recovered from hernia surgery, a new job, and many changes in ministry work. Missouri has had a very wet spring and summer. I hear it will be a cold winter, which is fine with me.
Joshua is getting big-he just passed the "big 6 months" and is wearing clothes labelled for 12 months. I just realized I don't have a current pic on this computer (I'm not home).
We are planning a trip to the Philippines for next year, and it is shaping up to be quite an intense couple of weeks. When the word started spreading about us coming, jobs lined up faster than we could imagine! Its hard to not be excited about that, but there is oh so much to do between now and then. Like raising money. This will be a fairly expensive trip, but very rewarding.
Here's my pitch---
Can you help?
The folks in the Philippines are hungry for the Gospel--hungry like Americans are for
iPods and HDTV.
E-mail me or call me if you want to know anything about this trip.

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

The Family

I wanted to share the happiness of "my family." I am well pleased with my son, and happier than ever with my wife. She even still writes me little love notes. Joshua has many characteristics of his mommy and daddy, of course. That look on his face, however, is his own: its the Poopy Face. I am not kidding. Why do you think I smiled so big? I was laughing. He is not shy--he can shake the whole room with that...we did pray for a strong child.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

My Son

This is just a glimpse of my son. Joshua was born March 12, 2008 at 6:57 am. For you detail-oriented ladies, he was 8 lbs 9 oz, 23.25 inches long. I have oh so many stories to tell him, and to tell about him. He has had a few struggles these first 2 weeks, but is showing himself strong and courageous. I think we did right naming him Joshua. He seemed to tell me his first day "Be strong" right before he began having complications. I kept telling him to be strong and courageous, because the Lord was with him. I can tell he believes it. He's an awesome little man. He has already started to teach his daddy some things.
Be blessed, be strong.