the centurion

I am but a man. Neither a strong man nor a weak man, neither loud nor soft. I am but a man.

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Cuestión del día

What is your favorite gift this year?

Not necessarily the best, most useful, most expensive....most whatever. Your favorite item. The thing I liked most about Christmas this year was being able to spend time with more people than I have in a long time. My favorite item was this flag-towel here.
Thanks to the Yungas. Ecuador

Jennifer and Stephanie on Christmas Eve. You like the contrast in expression? This was not planned--in the second photo they were focused on a critter on the wall right behind me.
They were worried that it might "get me."
The one on top is much more indicative of how they usually are.

Christmas Eve was great! I started at Tater's and Mar's for a fish feast..and it was a feast. Mar-that was excellent! Thank You!!
I can't believe Hardee didn't bring cinnabons.

Later I went to see Jenny and Steph (oh yeah, and Mariana, too), and celebrated Christmas until about 04:00. We ate around 12:30, and I barely got it down. They like to feast, as well.
It was here that I gave and received my favorite gifts this year.

Monday, December 26, 2005

Many requests for a picture of Mariana, finally answered. I even got her to smile for the camera. The baby in her lap is Karen, Mariana's niece. More about Christmas, y un cuestíon del día, later.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Speak English or what...??

Okay, I have a lot of Spanish speaking employees. That is becoming normal in restaurants around here. Therer are a couple of girls in particular that actually are some of my best service people--friendly, quick, clean, accurate--the english they know was learned mostly on the job. Of course, I get complaints now and then because their accents are hard to understand if you don't pay attention. I understand that will happen. I try to be sensitive and helpful. One complaint I got recently was this..exact words:
"Why don't you be hiring more english people? These ('deese') people be takin all our jobs away! McDonald's be goin out--you be racialism. I don't got time for this ('dis') kind places. Tell them ('dem') peoples to learn english or..or.."(cell phone rang, she left).
I smiled and said "good morning" to my next customer.

I am wondering if maybe..just maybe..immigrants can't learn english because we don't speak english. Whose english is correct? England's, America's, Philly's, West Virginia's........_________?

Thursday, December 15, 2005


North or South?
Dog or Cat?
E-mail or Voice mail?
Hamburger or Cheeseburger?
Chicken or Beef?
Hot humid Summer or bitter cold Winter?
River or Lake?
Half-empty or Half-full?

Answer any or all...but have fun!

Monday, December 12, 2005

A Perfect World...

Would there be a difference between men and women in your pefect world? Would there be a need for machismo or femininity? Would your church family be split 50/50 between men and women? Would the 80/20 rule be in effect? Would there be so much giving that we had money left over after an ambitious budget, or would the giving meet the budget precisely year after year? Would we all have the same personality or would we all compliment each others'? And would that allow some of us to have character flaws? Would we be able to reason and disagree with each other without ever irritating one another? Would you want to know people who are different from you, or only those who act and think just like you? Or would you be afraid to even think...lest you think differently than your brother?

You may say that I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one...
Imagine all the people living for today
(J. Lennon)

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Cuestión del día

What is your favorite man's church song?

What I mean is what song that could be considered a man's song that is sung at church do you like the best. Example--Fairest Lord Jesus is a great song...not exactly winning any macho points, though. A man's song would inspire feelings of toughness, strength, power. Soldiers of Christ Arise is a good one. The Battle Belongs to the Lord is a man's song. I know, women like these songs, too. But I think they speak to men more than women. We want to fight battles, we like the armor of a medievil knight. We have dreamt of being a mighty warrior...not being saved by the knight in shining I right? Ladies can answer, too--what is your favorite man's church song?

Friday, December 09, 2005

Cuestión del día

I am going to see a volcano in Ecuador. How do you feel about volcanoes? Do they scare you or interest you? Would you visit one?

Thursday, December 08, 2005

So, Ecuador

Plans are being made.

In February, I will be Ecuador-bound.

iQue gusto!

I am to take Jenny and Stephanie with me, so they can see their Aunt and some other family, and also so they can see their "mother-land". They are actually natural-born citizens of US, (one up on me), but born to Ecuador-born parents. Luisa (grandmom) and Victor (grandfather) are paying half my flight in return for me taking the girls and also some clothes to their family. Luisa's aunt (Tía Maria) is already planning 2 days of fiesta for us and a day of sight-seeing with her brother.
These are just a few of the natural sights I should be able to see near Cuenca. The 2 girls seem almost as excited as I am..though we are are a bit concerned that Jenny may be scared to leave her mother's side. The good part is that she is very comfortable with me...but she has never been in an airplane, and she has a tendency to cry. I am taking all prayer donations!

Are you excited for me???

Tuesday, December 06, 2005


Tengo ganas de viajar á Sudameríca.

Dicho y hecho!

I'm going, details later....I'm excited.

Sunday, December 04, 2005


Its looking good!

I have a meeting with my Ecuador family Monday night to discuss going to Ecuador in February. I am fired up! They want me to take the 2 muchachas with me (Jenny and Stephanie), and want me to bring back some stuff that would cost big bucks to send. For my "labors", they are offering to pay half my costs. I will also have free transportation from the airport to their aunt's house, where I will stay and be fed. (I already know her--Tía Maria, and brother Julio.)
More on this in a few days....