I am but a man. Neither a strong man nor a weak man, neither loud nor soft. I am but a man.
Monday, December 26, 2005
Many requests for a picture of Mariana, finally answered. I even got her to smile for the camera. The baby in her lap is Karen, Mariana's niece. More about Christmas, y un cuestíon del día, later.
At 12/28/2005 9:28 AM,
adam said…
Finally. You almost were as secretive as Hardee.
Way to go Juan.
At 12/28/2005 12:06 PM,
Melissa said…
yeah...sure, john has a lady friend!! lol
At 1/05/2006 6:14 PM,
Matthew S. Jagnarain said…
Ohhh Melissa called out John.. Does that mean i'm done with the lady friend taunts?
At 1/16/2006 5:24 PM,
Melissa said…
yeah right, the lady friend taunts are not for just one person
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