the centurion

I am but a man. Neither a strong man nor a weak man, neither loud nor soft. I am but a man.

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Cuestión del día

What is your favorite man's church song?

What I mean is what song that could be considered a man's song that is sung at church do you like the best. Example--Fairest Lord Jesus is a great song...not exactly winning any macho points, though. A man's song would inspire feelings of toughness, strength, power. Soldiers of Christ Arise is a good one. The Battle Belongs to the Lord is a man's song. I know, women like these songs, too. But I think they speak to men more than women. We want to fight battles, we like the armor of a medievil knight. We have dreamt of being a mighty warrior...not being saved by the knight in shining I right? Ladies can answer, too--what is your favorite man's church song?


  • At 12/11/2005 8:46 PM, Blogger Melissa said…

    i resent that whole "We want to fight battles" but women don't kinda thing...idk i know im weird but i always pretended that i was the knight that went and slayed the dragon...anyway to answer the question i like The Battle Belongs to the Lord

  • At 12/12/2005 8:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    enough of the man stuff! I thought when we sing to our Lord we are doing it to praise Him, not to feel like a man, or anything else. it is to bring him glory, not ourselves. who cares, he made you a man- be okay with it already.

  • At 12/16/2005 7:32 AM, Blogger Tater_Pez said…

    calling Anon out is not neccessarily the answer. And I like Anon better then the whole word. Anon brings out good points.
    as to the question...i have always liked the one you wrote.

  • At 12/23/2005 9:08 AM, Blogger adam said…

    Be Thou My Vision.

    I think that this is a man song.


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