the centurion

I am but a man. Neither a strong man nor a weak man, neither loud nor soft. I am but a man.

Sunday, October 30, 2005

She messed up my jeans, man!

Did you ever have a favorite pair of jeans that got messed up? Well, it doesn't bother me a bit. They are still the most comfortable jeans I have, so they have a couple strokes of permanent marker on them. One red, one black. I was doing a favor for the family a few days ago, and Jenny gave me a great big hug when I showed up, as usual. When all got quiet, we were watching a soccer game on tv, Jenny came over to me with some napkins and a couple of markers. She asked me to write her name. Then, she asked me to write my name. Then, she asked me to teach her to write her name. I'm not sure why she wanted to see me write my name, but their is probably some significance. So, she put her hand up for me to guide, and we wrote her name about a dozen times. Each time I recited the letters in spanish for her. After a while, she started saying the letters with me.

The best part was when it was time for me to leave. She absolutely refused to hug me goodbye. Why is that the best part? She wouldn't hug me because she didn't want me to leave. She thought if she didn't hug me, I couldn't leave. Jenny actually said
"I don't want you to go, I want you to stay."

Take note, this is how you melt a man's heart.
I tell you what, her father is seriously missing out. This is an awesome little girl, very smart and very loving....and way too cute.
My favorite pair of jeans now has a medal.

Friday, October 28, 2005

Question of the times

How many states can you name, and how many could you label on a blank map of the US?
Be honest, and let me know if you are a teenager or not.

Bonus--How many state capitals can you name?

This question is inspired by a post on another blog (The search for RELLevance)
Thanks Erin Davis.

She raised a point about the lack of History being taught in schools today, and probably for more years than I know.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

What?? Again??!

It feels like the A's vs Reds again (1990 WS). You have two teams that should match pretty well, you think its going to be a good series. Then, for some unkown reason, one team (never yours) comes out huge and makes the other team look sorry. I wanted the A's to win in 1990, mostly because of Eck, but a little because of the excitement that the steroid-abusing bash brothers provided, as well. They had Dave Stewart, who did not have great stats, but he owned Roger Clemens. (The A's beat the Red Sox to advance to the WS.) They had Ricky Henderson, who could steal a base with you looking at him, after telling you he was going to steal it. A walk to him was basically a free double that year. It was a best of 7 series, that lasted 4 games.
Anyway, you may have noticed that I don't particularly like the blacksox, but they are spanking the Astros. This does not make me happy. I may actually be happy when baseball is over this year. I can't believe I just typed that.

Monday, October 24, 2005

Too busy??

Yes, I am.
And its not only the job. I must say, I work more hours on the job than I should..but I still put a lot of time into other people. Ironically, a good portion of that time is spent alone. ¿Que? I had a great conversation with one of my employees today, and during our talk I realized what preparation goes into being around people. You probably already know this...maybe I did, as well...but once in a while I am reminded of things in such a way as if I never thought of it before. This was one of those moments.
Anyway, I have not posted much lately because I have been very busy. I am aware that the blacksox are winning the World Series. You think I'd be happy, being an AL fan. But, this franchise just isn't what I think baseball is about. For more on this, check out The High Cheese.
It has been a good week. I haven't slept much at all, I had to get rid of a manager last Thursday and then work a double-shift (which was 7-4, then 9pm to 9am), the next day I lost 1 employee to the Portuguese army (believe it or not-that is the third time that's happened to me in 10 yrs) and 1 employee who was thrown out of his house and forced to move out of state. Then, Saturday, I lost another employee due to transportation. All three were full-time workers.
Like I said, its been a good week.
I have spent time with good people, talked to one of my teens at college (phone conversation)...all this helped prepare me for worship. Not just Sunday, but through the week I am learning how to pray better and to pray more.

These woods are lovely, dark and deep,
but I have promises to keep.
And miles to go before I sleep,
and miles to go before I sleep. (R. Frost)

"The sleep of a laborer is sweet." Ecc. 5:12
-the centurion is encouraged

Thursday, October 20, 2005

And Again...

Houston Advances.

Sorry, Rell.

Monday, October 17, 2005


Ya know, people are great! I have not posted in over a week..not because the Yankees lost.

Moment of silence.

Okay, I am sad that the Yankees are out, but bothered more that the Black Sox are in the World Series. Spank 'em good Astros!!

Anyway, I have been so very busy...and its been a good busy. I've been spending some time with a few people, including the spanish family I like to talk about..but also a few others. I won't tell you all sorts of stories about folks you don't know. (I don't have any extraordinary ones.) I just want to say that developing relationships is probably the best way to spend your time. Now, this doesn't need to involve some agenda.....a list of reasons to hang out, or whatever. Just be around people. Develop in yourself that emotional freedom to start a conversation with someone...even if you don't know them. Who knows? You might like them.

We had an awesome service at church yesterday. The Spirit was seriously in the house, and we found some rhythm. The participation was as strong as I can ever remember...with the singing, with the "amen chorus" during the prayers and during the preaching. Oh wait...for those who don't know..I'm talking about a Church of Christ in the Northeast. You see what I'm saying? This was good stuff.
Other good stuff:
(this is where your comments come in)

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Houston Advances...

Sorry Rell, Atlanta is out. I like that Clemens got the win. I really like that the Yankees won tonight. Tomorrow should be a great game! I thought they looked good the other night, but that only lasted a couple innings. Monday night, I will not be watching football-I'll be watching Mussina vs Colon. That's good stuff right there.
Other good stuff:
Penn St over Ohio St
Alabama ranked in the Top 10 (see The High Cheese-He knew this weeks ago)
Dinner with the Tater and family
Worship @ Collingswood this morning
God is good all the time!
-peace from the centurion

Yo Celebraré

If you have read some of my previous posts, you may remember me talking about a little spanish girl named "Jennifer". She is the one who can melt my stress away. Well, her birthday party was last night...isn't she gorgeous?? Until I have a child of my own, I may very well believe she is the most beautiful little girl in the world. The party was great. The children played musical chairs, then the adults did (I was out quite early). There was, of course, a piñata, and plenty of dancing. Fue muy divertido!

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

couple shouts...

Robin, Steph, Sean, Kevin, Heather, Mike, Cesar....we miss you.

New Season

The fall is here. The air is cooling, leaves are changing, baseball playoffs...
I am loving this night! The Yankees already have a 1-0 game lead in the series, and they are looking good tonight. (The game is currently in the 3rd inning). I see Houston won their game 1 behind Andy Pettite (ex-Yank)...I'm okay with that. Better, yet, church tonight. I am excited about church.
No, I'm excited!
We started teaching some new songs tonight, and the whole teen class was there, plus the minister--fresh from his summer-long sabbatical--and several others...all seemed to really enjoy it. So did I! I think we might be on to something here....

Monday, October 03, 2005

Por dos semanas

Smiley Shell

Estoy infermo. Mi corazón esta roto. No llores por mi.

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Evil Empire

Good Vs Evil
They're in.