Shouts today
Well, I am feeling refreshed today. Perhaps it is the time I spent last night around a couple of 4-yr olds who speak more english than their parents..or maybe the crisp cool air I woke up to this morning...which I always love. Maybe, its the high cheese's Tuesday College Football update. Anyway, I feel like recognizing my people. Adam, Tater--you're both "the man". Kelly, Margaret--you're awesome. Aryn, Taylor, Josh, Justin, Kisha, Katherine, Stephen, Nate, Amanda, Melissa, Sarah, Amber, Matt--you're all winners, stay off the juice. To my small group--no names necessary, they won't read this anyway. To all my employees-esp. "the sticks" (of which I am one)-you know I need you and appreciate you. Sean, Kevin, John, Cesar, Mike--you're college men now..make us proud. Steph, Robin, Heather--I miss you! Although there are plenty others deserving recognition--last shout goes to my softball team from Sunday--with the Tater having the hit of the day!!
The Lord is Good!
peace and love from the centurion.
The Lord is Good!
peace and love from the centurion.
At 9/07/2005 12:24 PM,
Tater_Pez said…
Thank you and the same right back at you!
Your hit was better by far....but thanks for the cheer!
At 9/08/2005 1:52 AM,
Anonymous said…
i resent the comment about members of your small group not reading this. i am in your small group, and guess what, i am not signing it either. lol
At 9/08/2005 11:48 AM,
adam said…
Thanks. Both of your hits were very much farther than mine, so way to go.
Truth is, as I tell Taylor, "I am not the man, but I am trying to be like The Man.
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