the centurion

I am but a man. Neither a strong man nor a weak man, neither loud nor soft. I am but a man.

Saturday, February 25, 2006

¿De qué se trata?

Many of my new friends are doing it or have done it (here in America), and have been trying to persuade me to move to Ecuador.

What do you think about living in a foreign country with a foreign language?


  • At 2/26/2006 12:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Je Parle Francais

  • At 2/27/2006 8:06 AM, Blogger Tater_Pez said…

    i think about it often....i love many things that our country has to offer, but i yearn for the simplicity of foreign life. buying your meal needs fresh every day etc...not being overwhelmed with news and brainwashed with ads

    i would move to central or south america OR the islands between FL and S America. The islands are more americanized then i like, but are certainly beautiful.

  • At 2/27/2006 6:29 PM, Blogger Matthew S. Jagnarain said…

    Living in a country with foreign language would rock.. because eventually i would learn it.. with english.. so ha.. It would be rocking..

  • At 3/06/2006 9:39 AM, Blogger adam said…

    honestly, it would be tough to be so far from people I feel a real connection with, but you could get past that in a few months, or maybe a year...then you would really know people there in that country.


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