Should I count down?
I celebrated myself in my little apartment. Is that silly? Yes, and I'm okay with that. I officially accepted the job that will take me from McDonald's. I celebrated because I didn't know if it would ever happen. My last day is this Friday. I have enjoyed working at MickeyDee's...its lasted nearly 20 years. But, lately, it hasn't been so much fun. And, of course-more importantly-its standing in the way of other things that mean more to me than the job.
¿De qué se trata?
What means more to you than your job?
¿De qué se trata?
What means more to you than your job?
At 3/29/2006 5:29 PM,
Melissa said…
well i don't have a job so...everything is more important to me than my non-existant job
At 3/29/2006 5:30 PM,
Melissa said…
i forgot to say...congratulations on your new job! we're all really happy for you!
At 3/31/2006 10:52 AM,
adam said…
congrats on the new job. Which one did you take?
For me, a lot is more important than my job. Now be careful with that, because my job is what I get paid to do and is not directly equivalent with my calling or ministry (both of which are more important than my job. Now, I take my job seriously, but I take life much more seriously than I take my job.
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