Places I've been... the last 2 weeks.
So, back "home" to Missouri. I only put quotes because I don't seem to spend enough time at one length for it to feel like home, yet. That should change shortly. It looks like I may start working soon (interview for temp. position on Monday), Lord willing. Plus, there are no travel plans for the next few months. There is a Katrina-help team being assembled by a friend, that I may join if I can, depending on the potential job.
Well, places I've been in the last 2 weeks include San Antonio for the graduation ceremonies of Holly's brother Sean from BMT with the Air Force (he graduated with honors, and was the flag-bearer for his flight-he's on the right), Albuquerque (sadly, no good pics), and
the wedding of one of my favorite people in the world: Stephanie (Heisler) Rudderow. She is flanked here by her sisters, Amy on left and Robin on right.
Collingswood Youth Group--you seem healthy, stay strong! I love you.
Thursday (Tuesday)Small Group--keep going, hold each other together
Oak Hill Chapel--get ready for some meat