the centurion

I am but a man. Neither a strong man nor a weak man, neither loud nor soft. I am but a man.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Ministry Update

It might be time for an update....I have not announced on here that I no longer work for "The Man". Holly and I were blessed to receive a gift of a year's salary in one lump-sum to do ministry work in this area.

The one stipulation-"Quit Wal-Mart".


So, now we do ministry in the Bonne Terre area of Misourri. Our ministry doesn't resemble your average ministry--we seek to meet people's needs, whatever they may be. I am preparing some worship classes for one congregation, I am a fund-raiser for another, last week I went to Oklahoma to help rebuild a house. (Its a good thing I was not in charge!) My brother-in-law also went on that trip.

Thursday, August 09, 2007

John in Oklahoma

Austin and Daniel-from Killen, AL
Sean-Holly's younger brother
Naomi and Bob Anderson-homeowners in Miami, OK
Norman Halliday-Killen
This photo taken after putting up sheet rock throughout the house.