I don't know when I'll get tired of telling stories from my trip to Ecuador, but I do understand that people will get tired of hearing them. That said, I will tell one more story

My story of withdrawal.
While in Ecuador, I spent a whole lot of time with family--okay, wasn't
my family at first, but they
became my family. Especially, Jenny and Steph. I was close to them before our trip, and acting as their guardian for that week, we became even closer. We shared a few small crises, lots of meals, naps, and a great adventure. The two days that we spent traveling I was their lifeline, their provider of all. The five days between, I was their authority and guardian. Most of the week, they were near me, and a good part of the time, in my arms or on my lap.
Even when we returned home, after hugging their missed mommies and uncles, etc, they seemed to be still attached to me. (I
guess that was ok with me...)
Then, I went back to work.I went back to working too many hours, I went back to spending time with my other friends (I like that part-have no fear), and, of course, I went back to living in my own home. There is something nice about sleeping in my own bed...but I miss the girls. I miss sharing my morning chocolate coffee with Jenny. I miss Stephie running to me after she had been out playing with neighborhood kids. I actually miss carrying them around at the same time because they wanted to be near me. That was the key right there--
they wanted to be near me. I wanted to be near them. I am going through withdrawal.
Do you think God goes through withdrawal when one of His children stops spending time with Him? If you're not sure...read a Gospel. See why Jesus came to Earth!